Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Journal 4: Join the Flock and Enhance Your Twitter Experience

Furguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 12-14. Retrieved from

McClintok, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 14-17. Retrieved from

This article discussed growth in NETS-T 5.

'Twitter' photo (c) 2011, Andreas Eldh - license: These journal articles informs people on the values of being part of an online community. These journals really make online relationships a reality. Online relationships are not only a reality, but also a necessity. To function efficiently within modern professionalism, one must tap into technological resources. Twitter makes that dependency possible. The beauty about online relationships is, there is less of a notion toward various personality differences. Every personality can post on Twitter, and meanwhile every personality can follow on Twitter. Twitter is not a place to feel intimidated. In fact, these journal articles provide definitions commonly used within twitter communities to provide consolation to those who choose to become familiar with twitter. Another resources described with these journal article is the Hooklet, the bookmark tool within HookSuite. Simplifying online mental enterprise practices efficiency and allows for personal development in various other areas of life. Therefore, using Twitter for all it has to offer allows people to develop in a way that people never have been able to before.

Question 1:
How can Twitter be used in the professional field?
There are many digital discussion forums available for all fields of development on Twitter. Discussion forums can be used to find resources, lesson plans, or insight into the classroom. Teachers and educational professionals join these discussions for personal improvement. Therefore, even from the outside on can gain tools for improvement. In addition, if any outsider were to participate in the discussion, there would be opportunity for personalized growth. Thus, becoming part of the Twitter community is a win-win situation.

Question 2:
Are there more efficient resources out there than Twitter?
Twitter seems to be a professional resources that, unlike many others, organizes the social atmosphere and the professional community. Many resources out there have not been given the amount of professional attention that Twitter has. Therefore, Twitter's new craze has forced Twitter to keep working to make improvements to satisfy it's clientele.

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